Monday, December 15, 2008

A Dark Twisted Puppy

Last night, after going to see Slumdog Millionaire (so sweet - go see it!), my friend Emily and I went back to her place to watch Secret Lives of Women. If you haven't seen this show...look it up on Youtube NOW. Anyway, we watched of couple of episodes, but the best one, hands down, was one about Stalkers. Several women were interview who had either stalked someone or had been stalked...but no one, NO ONE, was as amazing as Dessarae Bradford. This woman, Dessarae, not only claimed to have slept with Alec Baldwin and wrote a book about it; she tried to sue Colin Farrell for denying that they had a "phone relationship" and that "he knew who she was." Yes, she also wrote a book about that too. Lo and behold the cover of said book; la piece de resistance if you will:

This woman is a comedic genius!! Not only that, she has decided that she would also take the opportunity to write and sing about these men that have done her wrong. Yes, she has a myspace.

Your welcome.


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emla said...

Things that are good: Dessarae Bradford.

Things that are also bad: Dessarae Bradford.

Things that are great: I f***ed Alec Baldwin in the ass.