Friday, November 13, 2009

I know I've been away for some time...was going through some crap in my life and was feeling very uninspired. Anyway, wanted to start blogging again, but I need some feedback. What should I focus on? Should I write more personal observations? Or focus on a particular subject (fashion, music, films, comedy...).

If you're still reading...HALP!

I also need to re-design the page. Not feeling the picture/font/color scheme anymore.



henkaku said...

I personally love your take on music and fashion--they go together so well!

Maybe you can do something about catching up on everything going on in the NY scene after all your time in exile, like how things have changed/remained the same/etc.

Christopher Cummings said...

the stuff you post about music and fashion are already out there... i would focus more on you.. blogging = selfishness. you should take more pics about you and the stuff you see and do wherever you are. just my opinion

bananza said...

Thanks guys!! I guess I will continue posting the things I find interesting and maybe adding more of a personal touch and see how it goes.