Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Beach House

I cannot wait till Beach House's new album Teen Dream is released in January. There is something about Victoria Legrand's voice that is just completely hypnotizing to me and have been into it more than ever after her recent collaborations with Grizzly Bear.

Everyone needs to check out their new single called Norway via Pitchfork:

New York, I Love You

So I've been back for only a week and it's been overwhelming. Don't get me wrong, I mean it in a good way. It's just pretty amazing how fast paced everything is here...yes, yes, it's a cliche, but after living here for 9 years I hadn't noticed till I was gone for 6 months. My block has transformed completely and so many places have closed up and so many new ones have opened. It's like everything here is sped up 10 fold.

Anyway, it's nice to know that your friends are there for you no matter what. I think part of my anxiety of being away is that I would eventually lose touch with my NY friends and I'm glad to report this is not the case.

I'm almost all settled in, so I will try to post on a regular basis.

Thanks for all your comments!

Friday, November 13, 2009

I know I've been away for some time...was going through some crap in my life and was feeling very uninspired. Anyway, wanted to start blogging again, but I need some feedback. What should I focus on? Should I write more personal observations? Or focus on a particular subject (fashion, music, films, comedy...).

If you're still reading...HALP!

I also need to re-design the page. Not feeling the picture/font/color scheme anymore.
